About Us


stille liebe is initiated by two young recording producers and attends to making forgotten/unknown musical works publicly available again, primarily those from the 19th century. For this purpose, recordings are produced and published. The basis of this project is the fascination and enthusiasm for classical music. Further motivations of everyone involved are the preservation and rediscovery of musical culture. Through our work we want to give young artists in particular the opportunity to publish professional recordings. We're located in Düsseldorf and are planning to release albums as well as online content on a regular basis.


Johannes Tosta was raised in a musical household in Stuttgart. He holds a bachelor's degree in Sound and Video, as well as a master's degree in Artistic Music Production from Robert Schumann Hochschule and Hochschule Düsseldorf. His areas of specialization include recording classical music, classical singing, and video production.

Johannes' interests as a musician, producer, and consumer span across various genres and styles. He collaborated with professional ensembles such as the Düsseldorf Symphoniker, Mainz Cathedral Orchestra, Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra, Gächinger Kantorei, Mädchenchor Hannover, Raschèr Saxophone Quartet, Chamber Choir of the University of Music and Dance Hamburg, Uniorchester Hamburg, Ensemble vocal, Paminger Ensemble, Wuppertaler Kurrende and the E-MEX Ensemble. Furthermore, he produced recordings with artists like Klaus Mertens, Michael Ostrzyga, Christoph Prégardien, Julia Sophie Wagner, Johannes Lang, Daniel Smutny, and Hedayet Djeddikar.

As a freelancer, he collaborates with labels and ensembles. In the past year, he produced an album with Klaus Mertens, presenting undiscovered songs by Swiss composer Friedrich Theodor Fröhlich, released by Rondeau Productions in 2022. A recording of the E-MEX Ensemble with works by composer Daniel Smutny received the Gold Award at the 2022 AES Student Recording Competition. In the same year, he produced Joachim Raff's opera "Die Eifersüchtigen" with the Opernkollektiv Zürich and an album with new arrangements of Peter Cornelius's Nine Sacred Songs, featuring the new Klais organ in the Martinskirche Stuttgart for the first time. In 2023, he recorded an album featuring the Mädchenchor Hannover and the Raschèr Saxophone Quartet, which included the first recording of Lera Auerbach's cycle 'Galgenlieder'.

In addition to his work as a sound engineer, he works as a videographer for music-related videos. As a singer in the Audi Jugendchorakademie, he performed worldwide with ensembles such as the Academy for Ancient Music conducted by Martin Steidler, the Philharmonic State Orchestra Hamburg under the direction of Kent Nagano, Les Siècles under the direction of François-Xavier Roth, the Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Axel Kober, the Arcis Saxophone Quartet, and many others.

Together with his colleague Benedikt Fuchs, he founded the "Stille Liebe" project, dedicated to reviving forgotten/unknown musical works, primarily from the 19th century. Since 2022, he has been working as a freelance producer for the startup Tonebase, the leading platform for musical educational content worldwide. 



Benedikt Fuchs studied sound and image with a focus on music production and classical singing at the Robert Schumann University and the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. His focus is on various areas of music production and composition / songwriting. Benedikt has worked with professional ensembles such as the Dortmund Philharmonic, the Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra, the Essen Philharmonic and the Orpheus Consort. He has also produced several albums in the field of classical music, including productions for various labels such as Wandelweiser, Sterling Records and TyxArt. Together with Johannes Tosta he produced Joachim Raff's opera "Die Eifersüchtigen" with the Opern Kollektiv Zürich.

He also works as a jazz sound engineer and has worked with artists and ensembles such as Markus Stockhausen, Markus Stockhausen Group, Dinesh Mishra, Felix Janosa, Ulf Stricker, Moritz Götzen, Duo Flying Tree, Misagh Joolaee, Benham Samani and the band Lariza.

His creative workspace is currently the Stricker Studio Hilden, near Düsseldorf. There he also realizes music productions for various artists from the pop area and works as a songwriter. Benedikt was also able to produce and compose music for various short films and was engaged as composer and musical director for an inclusive music project in 2022, which was performed within the RoboLab fesitval 2022 in cologne (bemb.info).


stille liebe control room

Where the magic happens

Our creative workplace is located in Hilden near Düsseldorf. Here is where all our projects are edited, mixed and mastered.

© 2024 by stille liebe, last update July 6, 2024

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